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Fit Library

Your Ultimate Guide on How to Get Fit and Thrive!​​​

What do you recommend in terms of diet/training for hypertensive patients?

✅Special attention to the intensity applied in the workout (%RM).

✅Watch out for foods high in sodium
✅Avoid foods high in saturated fat and trans fat
✅Avoid processed foods

Among other things, these...

What do you recommend in terms of diet/training for hypertensive patients?

How would you split up a 6-day training routine focusing on legs?

✳️ Day 1 - Upper
✳️ Day 2 - Lower Body
✳️ Day 3 - Back/Chest
✳️ Day 4 - Lower Body
✳️ Day 5 - Shoulders/Arms
✳️ Day 6 - Lower Body
✳️ Day 7 - Rest

How would you split up a 6-day training routine focusing on legs?

Is it wrong to take creatine during a cut phase?

No, because even though they say it causes retention, this retention is INTRAMUSCULAR!

✅That's not a problem, and that's why it helps with performance.

Is it wrong to take creatine during a cut phase?

How do I know how many calories I need to consume to gain weight?

BMR + activity level + moderate surplus

How do I know how many calories I need to consume to gain weight?

Why does mixing chia or yogurt with fruit reduce the glycemic index?

👍 Because protein and fiber delay gastric emptying and glucose absorption

Why does mixing chia or yogurt with fruit reduce the glycemic index?

Bench press vs. dumbbell bench press, which is better in your opinion?

✅The bar allows for a greater chance of overload, lifting more weight, greater intensity, greater chance of progression.

✅Dumbbells allow you to work on muscle imbalances, eventually you may feel more activation or a different contraction since it's not a fixed instrument like the barbell, you can play better with your own movement mechanics. 

⚠️There is no such thing as "the best" when it comes to training and nutrition.

⚠️For a given person and depending on various factors, "the best" for them may not be the best for someone else.

Bench press vs. dumbbell bench press, which is better in your opinion?

In a cut, is it worth changing your weight training to more reps with less weight? + cardio

That's a recipe for disaster.


⚠️ For a cut in particular, you need to keep training hard! The muscle needs a good stimulus to stay present and not go away. A good stimulus is to train hard and to failure or close to it!

❌Low weight, lots of reps is not training for definition...

In a cut, is it worth changing your weight training to more reps with less weight? + cardio

Some days I don't reach my carbohydrate target, but I do reach my calorie target. Does this have a significant impact on my bulk?

Carbs and fat

This answers to your question 👍

Some days I don't reach my carbohydrate target, but I do reach my calorie target. Does this have a significant impact on my bulk?

Leg workout with squats and dumbbells only.

Here are the 10 best exercises you can do!
✅ Backsquats
✅ Frontsquats
✅ Lunges
✅ Split squats
✅ Goblet squats
✅ Box steps
✅ Deadlift
✅ Sumo deadlift
✅ Hip thrust

Leg workout with squats and dumbbells only.

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